The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our Organic CSA Changes Lives!

I've been wanting to post this for a couple of weeks now but haven't had the chance. One of our CSA members (identity intentionally left out) has told me that she has changed her path in life partly because of our farm's produce. I thought she was joking but she was serious. I was told that due to her finding our CSA and enjoying our organic produce, having better neighbors living next door, and finding The Corner Store, she has decided not to move from our small city towards the more urban Tampa. Our tiny farm has made a genuine difference in some one's life. That is amazing! I never thought much beyond the farm in terms of just producing vegetables to sell. I mean there is the part about helping to change the world towards a better place to live by adopting sustainable practices. There is the cleaner environment by not using more chemicals and fossil fuels in delivering our produce. There could be the better health enjoyed by those who eat natural foods. There is the idea that by selecting some of our own crops we are working with natural selection to use less inputs. But I never thought that our CSA and small farm would have such a profound and concrete effect on some one's life other than our own. That is a wonderful motivator for producing great organic vegetables on our farm. It also shows that a CSA is really a Community that supports agriculture. At first it is customers that show up for produce and then, with time, it is friends that are showing up on the weekends, as we share information and stories. And then it really is a community that unites us around the theme of our daily sustenance. I hope we can continue to grow and change lives for the better with our CSA and small farm.


Mike (tfb) said...

Amazing, this community thing! :) It's taken me years of tiny farming to really have something so simple sink in. I said to someone recently, thinking the words for the first time as I said it, that I've met people in the best way in my life in my few short years of growing for market. It's as much about people as it is about farming!

Steed Farms said...

Thanks for that awesome comment. I am learning more and more about the community aspect of the CSA and the trust and appreciation that people have over what we do. I am also glad that real connections are made and we meet and appreciate more the members of our local community.

Liz said...

This is a great post. Thank you! :-)