The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Week 21, 2108-19 Season

We are quickly approaching the end of this farming season and I can already see myself not at the farm on a Saturday morning.  However, I did realized this week two things.  My mind is already turning towards thoughts about next year's crops and methodologies; and I thought about how we probably won't eat as much produce as we do when we harvest our crops.  I miss bok choi already.  We ate some from Katie and James' garden at our house and I thought we usually don't buy that from the store.  So I will probably wait until next fall before I see it again.

Corn is slowly maturing and will be ready very soon.  The new red potatoes did very well this year and we will harvest until the end of the season.  Not sure if the leeks will finish on time this year as I planted them late.  Hopefully they will size up. 

We are picking beets this week.  I always struggle to grow good beets but this year it looks like we will get some from the field. 

The squashes are slowly gaining ground and producing more along with the eggplants.

We lost our last cucumber crops to some rodent (squirrel, rat, or mouse) that ate all our seedlings emerging from the trays.  By the time it wrecked the crop I couldn't replant a crop for the end of the season.  We will try again next year.

We planted a ton of onions this year so I hope everyone loves onions.  We are picking lots of red and white sweet onion and will do so until the last week of harvest.

Looking forward to a couple more harvest weekends!