The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Catching Up

It's been a little while since I blogged. We have added a few more members to our community supported agriculture! Things are going to get busier around here. That's just fine for us.

We have had a few successes and failure this winter/spring growing season. I always think that summer starts when it warms up enough to plant the warm season vegetables. Here is a rundown

transplants for sale: failed
lettuce during winter: poor
broccoli raab: failed, but the few we did harvest tasted good.
potatoes: failed, again. Those ants got them again. Next year I'm not fooling around with ants!
CSA: success
new lettuce trial in amended soil: success
kohlrabi: success
pak choi "summer green": success
old plot amended with horse manure, covercrop, and old potting soil: Big success

We are still learning and we are running out of room. I think that we will need to push up some more trees.

We also decided to get some chicken. We just got them in today. They are one week old and alert and scratching for food. Just a few months to go to get some eggs. We thought that since we had the room we could grow some eggs for us and our CSA members. I am going to try and build a movable pen. We got five to start with. We will see how that goes. We are going to tell Anna that the Easter Bunny brought them. Happy holidays.


gavsteed said...

Good news about your experiments, I'm glad most of them are paying off...did you know your grandfather was a pioneer of the mobile henhouse back in the day? I didn't until dad told me last week...great for fertiliser apparently!! He's busy digging and planting a plot of land at the back of our house..think he's putting potatoes, some carrots, lettuce etc. as if he wasn't busy should update this more often, I get bored on my travels and it's nice to see how you guys are getting on!

Steed Farms said...

Hey Gavin,

Thanks for commenting. I will try to update more often. That is interesting about the mobile hen house. I guess there is something in the genetics. I hope it worked well for him.
Take care,