The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Getting Ready!

We are making preparations for the next crop of summer vegetables. We pretty much keep growing right through fall into late summer. But I like to think of having two seasons. A winter and a summer crop. We will be planting peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, carrots, some Chinese vegetables, sweet potatoes, and regular potatoes. We will be trying a few odds and ends to see what might work well here. I need to make a few seed orders. We will also try out some southern peas this year. Our onions are almost ready and we will plant them with the red potatoes that Jenn bought at the store. I will wait a few days until the moon phase changes to a waning moon before I plant them.

I ate the first loquat (Japanese plum) today. The plants are about three years old. I planted them when Anna was born to celebrate her birth. This is the first crop on them. I think I was a little to excited to see the loquat yellow. I should have waited another few days before I picked it. It was a bit sour. I am amazed at how fragrant the inflorescence are. There are quite a few flowers on the tree. There was an uneven bloom this year due to the temperature. So we have fruit that is almost ripe and we have flowers just opening. The trees are evergreen and virtually pest free. The fruits are yellowy orange, sweet and have a few seeds in the center. That is how these trees were started. You can eat the skin but need to spit out the seeds.

The loquat tree

The loquat flowers

The unripe fruit and leaves of the loquat.

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