The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Week 13, 2018 -19 Season

Things are looking good in the field over the last couple weeks.  We could use another good rain.  We've been a little dry and plants always respond differently to rain compared to irrigation.

I planted leeks and green onions last week.  This week I am setting the squashes and finishing the green onions planting.  I am planting a few miscellaneous crops to fill in some gaps and then our plantings are wrapping up for the end of the season.

Strawberries are producing copious amounts of gorgeous fruit this week.  Looks like one more week of starfruit before we finish their season.

Tomatoes are still green and ripening.  I have never seen so many tomato flowers in the greenhouse.  We should be in good shape in two months.

One crop of beans is finished and another is emerging from seeds.  Onions and carrots are a few weeks out.   Red potatoes are looking good but could use some rain.

The warmer weather is causing the lettuce to bolt so we might be wrapping up the lettuce season early unless we get another cool spell.  I thought this full moon would bring rain and a cool front, but we missed out.  We'll see what this week brings us.


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