The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Week 19, 2016-17 Season

We had an amazing reversal of heat this week with temperatures going from high 60's to mid -30's at night.  All of our warm season crops are in the ground and a few of them, like the beans and squash plants, got a bit of frost damage.  The last crops were planted out this week including lettuce, green onion, basil, and cantaloupe.  I covered some of them with one gallon pots just to keep a bit of warmth near the plant and reduce radiation heat loss.

The strawberries have been picking well but slowed down a tad after the cool snap.  The cool weather should keep the sugars high.  They have been picking great this year.

The potatoes are just over the half way mark and I missed my St. Pat's Day timing again.  Maybe next year.  Corn is about 6 inches high and so are the squash.

I am happy that the season is winding down and hope production can stay up with this cyclical weather.

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