The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Friday, December 30, 2016

Week 8, 2016-2017

It is hard to believe that a third of the season is already gone past us.  Things have gone very well so far and I would rate our performance a solid A!.  If we would have had the peppers and kale that we had planned, I would have graded an A+.  I have started more peppers to try again in the warmer months and a new crop of kale is already about to be planted.  In fact, I will be planting broccoli, romaine lettuce, parsley, and leeks this week.  I planted lettuce and peas a couple of weeks ago.  I read an article in Hort Tech journal about snap peas and it emboldened me to try growing some.  I have tried in the past and had poor results but I was feeling overly confident in my growing skills so I thought I could risk a humbling failure again; so peas went into the ground.
Strawberries are right around the corner and it looks like we will be serving lettuce, bok choi, and mustard greens this week for the members.
We have had a great run at squash and zucchini this year but the patty pan and yellow squash have run their course and have been pulled up.  I will leave the zucchini until they start to wane, probably in a few weeks.

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