The Organic CSA Vegetable Field

The Organic CSA Vegetable Field
A picture of Plant City's (eastern Hillsborough County) first organic CSA farm

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A wagon load of produce!

This week has been slow. The weather has been warm, lower 80's but then a bounce back to upper 40's tonight. We have moved some of our seedling transplants out of the greenhouse to get more sunlight. The greenhouse has 50% shade plastic to reduce the sunlight during cutting propagation. It is not really meant for propagation of seeds. The greenhouse pulls double duty as a greenhouse for ornamental cutting propagation. So if the weather is good I bring out the trays for exposure to the sun. They have already begun to strech a bit from just a week in the house.

I have fertilized the seedlings with a bit of topdress with an organic fertilizer from the Scotts company. I will give it a shot and see how it does. I have also drenched the seedlings with my liquid fertilzer as well as the trial garden with both fertilzers.

We have been harvesting lettuce, carrots, lemons, oranges, arugula, and collards. The potatoes that have been doing so well have all of a sudden collapsed and I think will die. I believe it was a fungus that has killed them. There was no disease present on the leaves, just a colapse of the plant or a wilting from the bottom up. No injuries at the base of the plant just looks like a vascular clogging.

I am hoping to plant another row of radish and arugula this week. Our red leaf lettuce has transplanted well and is growing off well. I am planning on making our next fall planting area and am looking for covercrops to plant. Still waiting on herb seeds from the vendor. I hope they show up this week.


Anonymous said...

I'm very jealous of your barrow of produce. We're just heading to the end of winter here in the UK so I'm picking leeks, cabbage, kale and very little else.

gavsteed said...

Thats some of the best looking lettuce i've seen in a long time!

All the best from your cousins in Ireland

Steed Farms said...


I wouldn't mind picking some cabbage right now. Mine never did much. I could make you even more jealous if you saw the orange trees loaded with fruit.

Steed Farms said...


I'm glad you are keeping tabs on your cousin. Thanks for reading and I welcome the comments.