first strawberries
The covercrops are finally in on all the other fields to grow organic matter for the future. We had a late start but hopefully the past rains will encourage the crops to grow. Rye, ryegrass, and trying clover again. Clover didn't do well last time I tried it. I'll give it another shot.
Tomatoes and peppers are ripening, one here and one there. I have been looking forward to the tomatoes. It should be soon, maybe a few weeks.
Eggplants are still surviving the winter, but no fruit as of yet. I am starting to get a little jittery about planting our potato crop as it has been so warm.
Nate and I have been thinking about digging a small pond for tilapia for the harvest of next year. We haven't figured out how to feed them everyday. So we are still in the thinking phase.
cool colored roots
conjoined twins turnips