We wrapped up a fairly successful season. I am happy to take a breather and regroup for the fall and this summers cover crops. It is a pretty intense activity to plan 12-15 organic vegetables each week for pickup for 24 weeks.
I harvested some of the seeds from dandelion, mustards, arugula, broccoli, rye, and cosmos. I hope to get some corn and sunflowers before the season ends. I think that I will need to start over on the cucumber breeding program with so many setbacks.
I have some pumpkins ripening up nicely and I hope that they will be ready for our field gleaning day. We are going to have a final pickup for anything left in the field. We still have some herbs, scallions, onions, carrots, cukes, zukes, and tomatoes as well.
I have also added a few fruit trees to plant this weekend. A peach, nectarine, and three persimmons. 

Our one olive plant is producing olives this year. I hope to add a few more of these trees to the farm.
Our peaches did great this year and we are trying to figure how to use about 60 peaches we will harvest this weekend.