Friday, May 30, 2008
The Future of Our Food
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
That was easy!
Our eggplants are growing nicely and I cannot believe that the tomatoes are getting as big as they are. The bell peppers are about the size of my inner palm and I am waiting to see if they get a little bigger before changing colors. The tropical pumpkins are getting bigger and the peaches I think are only a few weeks away. I am now off to a web search on how to control green stink bugs ans leaf-footed bugs organically.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Onions are ready
I planted basil and cilantro this week in the trial plots and worked some Sustane fertilizer in the beds. I pulled the squash, zucchini, and melons out do to poor performance. I top dressed the eggplants, tomatoes, and the peppers again with Sustane. I feel like they are just not gaining size like they should be doing at this time of the year. Next week I hope to plant some mint and oregano.
Tag, I'm it!
The Rules:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write six random things about yourself.
Tag six people at the end of your post linking to their blog.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six Random Things about me:
1. Having a newborn helps me remember that I really need and would enjoy more sleep.
2. I have discovered that growing organically in Florida is extremely hard to do.
3. I really love to grow peppers but hate to eat them.
4. My hobbies are reading non-fiction, growing, fishing, and golf.
5. I love my family more than they could ever know.
6. I am really beginning to feel we need to fix health care in America.
I am going to tag:
Thurston Market Farmer
Tiny Farm Blog
My Tiny Plot
Gardner to Farmer
Seasons Eatings Farm
The Bifurcated Carrot
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Still growing
I am just about to plant some herbs to see how they will do. Basil, oregano, peppermint, cilantro, and Italian parsley. That should be planted this week.
I have harvested most of the seeds that I wanted and will turn in the winter trial. I am growing a zucchini squash for the seeds and that thing just keeps getting bigger. I am surprised that it has gotten this large.
Seed stock zucchini 24" x 5"
In the front of this picture is a purple nutsedge flower. This is one of the world's worst weeds in terms of economic crop damages and loss. It is spread via seeds and under ground tubers. I spent about 4 years working with this weed in some capacity at the University of Florida in various weed science labs. I despise this weed for all the drudgery incured at school but admire its tenacity and vigor.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Summer trials
Tropical pumpkin female flowers
I have tied up the pole beans, eggplants, and tomatoes. I have also top dressed with the 8-2-4 over most of the plants. My daughter also helped me plant the ornamental corn.